Brooke's Page

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This site was first created
in March, 2000.
Last updated on February 20, 2014
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Hi! My name is Brooke
I was born on December 14th, 1995, I am 18.

My mom and dad lived in Dubuque,IA when I was born
because my mom was managing a store she opened up there.
I was born 5 weeks early and I weighed just 5lbs1oz and I was 18 inches long.
I stayed in the NICU for 10 days and was the best christmas present my parents got cause I came home on Christmas Eve.
I was pretty little and this was pretty scarry for my parents because I was their first baby.
We moved back to Omaha when I was just 13 months old, and I was excited because I got to be by all my relatives.

Thanks for visiting my page and come back soon!

I have my very own email, so feel free to send me a note!

Don't forget to sign my guestbook before you leave!

Amreta's Graphics

Name Graphic by:Glitter Kiss